June 15, 2020
Media Contact:
Eliel Cruz, Director of Communications
City and State Lawmakers Must Commit to #JusticeForLayleen
The NYC Anti-Violence Project is calling on city and state officials to take concrete steps towards ending the criminalization and abuse of transgender women of color in New York's carceral system. Last week, the Bronx District Attorney released the results of their investigation into the death of Layle[...]
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June 13, 2020
Media Contact:
Eliel Cruz, Director of Communications at AVP
David Shanies, Attorney representing Polanco family
The following is a statement from Layleen’s mother, sister, and brother, Aracelis Polanco and Melania Brown, Salomon Polanco respectively:
“The Rikers video shows the world just how little these officers cared whether Layleen lived or died. Layleen’s su[...]
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June 1, 2020
As Pride month begins in New York City with protests against anti-Black police violence and an ongoing global pandemic, the New York City Anti-Violence Project demands divestment from policing and investment in social services and resources for low-income New Yorkers of color. The last fifty years of LGBTQ lives in NYC were marked by protest: the Stonewall Riots, civil disobedience around the AIDS crisis, and vigils and rallies supporting the liv[...]
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April 10, 2020
AVP opposes New York State’s recently passed bail rollbacks which will put thousands more in jail, including marginalized and criminalized LGBTQ survivors of violence.
New York City, NY – The New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) opposes the actions of Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature to rollback 2019 bail laws, which will put thousands more in jail, including marginalized LGBTQ survivors like Layleen Polanco, a Black [...]
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March 13, 2020
New York City, NY - The New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) joins NYC Against Hate Coalition and communities facing hate violence and intimate partner violence to demand “No Rollbacks” to the current New York State bail laws. AVP serves thousands of LGBTQ people every year, who as LGBTQ, Black, Latinx, immigrant, working-class, and low-income survivors of violence, were often themselves criminalized and detained because of the discrimin[...]
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March 2, 2020
NEW YORK, NY -- The New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) joins Make The Road New York, community leaders, LGBTQ individuals, survivors of violence, and New Yorkers in gathering Monday, March 2nd at 6 PM in Jackson Heights, Queens, to mourn the death of Alexa, a transgender woman of color who was killed near San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the early morning of February 24th.
According to reports, Alexa was homeless, seeking safety at McDon[...]
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December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
LGBTQ, Women, and Survivor Advocates Celebrate the Many New Yorkers Who Will No Longer Suffer the Harms of Money Bail & Pretrial Jailing
New York - Today, leading LGBTQ, women, and survivor advocacy organizations, including Girls for Gender Equity, The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, New Hour for Women & Children Long Island, NYC Anti-Violence Project, Violence Intervention Program, Inc., [...]
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August 14, 2019
This year, Pride celebrations around the country marked June as the 50th anniversary of Stonewall and New York City hosted the international community for a World Pride celebration. While our communities experienced an increase in visibility, Pride season was also marked by repeated reports of violence in the LGBTQ community.
Today, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) is releasing a special report, Pride and Pain: A [...]
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June 26, 2019
AVP Contact:
Audacia Ray, Director of Community Organizing and Public Advocacy
aray@avp.org, 212-714-1184 x 18
Media Contact:
Eliel Cruz, Director of Communications
ecruz@avp.org, 212-714-1184 x 26
Dear Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio,
We, the undersigned organizations have come together in response to the tragic death of Layleen Xtravanganza Cubilette-Polanco who died while being held on $500 bail in the Rose M. Singer Center at [...]
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May 24, 2019
In response to a newly anti-trans rule by the Department of Health and Human Services to limit the definition of sex discrimination, The New York City Anti-Violence Project released the following statement:
"The proposed HHS rule attempting to limit the definition of sex discrimination would deny access to basic and potentially life-saving heath care to transgender, gender nonconforming (TGNC) and non-binary people and all those seeking reprod[...]
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May 22, 2019
In response to the newly proposed rule from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, that would allow for transgender people to be turned away from supportive housing, the New York City Anti-Violence Project released the following statement:
“The proposed rule from HUD is cruel. It undermines the 2016 Equal Access rules, strips protections for vulnerable trans and gender non-conforming people, and could block access to supportive [...]
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March 27, 2019
Media Contact:
Eliel Cruz, Director of Communications, NYC Anti-Violence Project
Jewish, Arab-American, LGBTQ, immigrant, Black and Brown communities held a press conference today to announce new initiative that goes beyond policing,
and press for City funding.
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