Help AVP and 10 other social justice organizations across the country document hate violence, share data across communities, and map a full picture of hate incidents in the U.S.

What should you report?
- LGBTQ hate violence that you experience or witness
- Incidents of LGBTQ hate violence in your neighborhoods and communities
- Incidents of LGBTQ hate violence in your local newspapers
- Incidents of other forms of hate violence such as anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant, anti-Black and anti-Disability
If you are trying to get in touch with an AVP counselor or need immediate support, call AVP’s 24-hour bilingual (English/Spanish) Hotline: 212-714-1141. Submitting a story through the Communities Against Hate platform will not connect you with an AVP service provider.
Communities Against Hate is a national initiative to collect data and respond to incidents of violence, threats, and property damage motivated by hate around the United States. The initiative leverages a reporting database that aggregates reports from both victims and witnesses of hate incidents, as well as offers legal and social services to support people in need. Communities Against Hate aims to aggregate data on hate incidents, providing legal and social support, raising awareness, and educating the public on the prevalence of hate.
The initiative is led by: The Leadership Conference Education Fund, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and partner organizations representing diverse communities that reflect the fabric of America, including: Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS); Center for Community Change; Color of Change; Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network); Hollaback Inc.; Muslim Advocates; National Council of La Raza; New York City Anti-Violence Project,; and the Transgender Law Center. The Southern Poverty Law Center is serving as a strategic adviser to the initiative.