Report Violence

Thank you for choosing to report an experience of violence with us. LGBTQ and HIV-affected people face and witness violence every day, including hate violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and hook-up violence. Regardless of how you experience violence, it is unacceptable and you deserve support.

We recognize that not everyone wants to be connected to supportive services, and that there is power in having your story recorded and acknowledged. By reporting online, you’re able to access both channels, and contribute to the movement to end violence.

Online reporting data is used to identify national and local trends and strengthen advocacy through reporting. We use absolutely none of your personal information in these reports; all the information you share is confidential and secure.

If you are reporting from outside of New York and would like services, NYC staff can help refer you to a local AVP or other source of local support. If you want to speak to a trained advocate immediately, feel free to reach out to our 24-hour bilingual (English/Spanish) free and confidential hotline: (212) 714 -1141.

Step 1 of 2

  • Please provide a name. You do not have to give your legal name.
  • You can check all that apply.
  • You can check all that apply.
  • You can check all that apply.
  • (Optional) Let us know your location