
Today we Honor Those We Lost and Commit to Fight for the Living

NCAVP Report on Hate Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and HIV-Affected Communities Released Today

Mourning LGBTQ Lives Lost to Violence in 2017

AVP learns of an anti-LGBTQ incident in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn

AVP learns of an anti-LGBTQ incident on the subway in Brooklyn

NCAVP has learned of the possible hate violence homicide of Imer Alvarado, in Fresno, California

AVP learns of an anti-gay incident in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

NCAVP has learned of the homicide of LGBTQ rights activist Bruce Garnett in Chesterfield, VA

NCAVP Condemns Trump’s License to Discriminate

AVP Action Brief: #LicensetoDisriminate; Trans health at risk under Trump

AVP Action Brief: #EqualityForward

We can #LiveWithoutFear. You can help.