
AVP Action Brief: Transgender people are not a “burden” or a “distraction”

NCAVP mourns the homicide of Ebony Morgan, a Black transgender woman killed in Lynchburg, VA; the 15th reported killing of a transgender person of color NCAVP has responded to in 2017

NCAVP mourns the intimate partner violence homicide of Gerald Moore in Madison, Wisconsin

NCAVP mourns the homicide of Ava Le’Ray Barrin, a black transgender teenage girl killed in Athens, GA

AVP learns of an anti-gay attack in Chelsea, Manhattan


NCAVP has learned of the intimate partner violence-related homicide-suicide of Richelle Horsley and Fransiska Dastrup in Salt Lake City, Utah

AVP learns of an anti-transgender attack in Morris Heights, Bronx

Discussion and Movement Building: Responses from the #Not1Story Twitter Town Hall

AVP learns of an anti-transgender attack in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Three Tips for Taking Care of Yourself—and Your Community—One Year after Pulse

Surviving when it’s close to home: remembering Pulse one year later