The New York State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Intimate Partner Violence Network (“The Network”) is a statewide, multidisciplinary group of direct service providers, community-based agencies, advocates, educators, policy makers, and funders who are working on behalf of LGBTQ communities affected by intimate partner violence to ensure that intimate partner violence services are LGBTQ inclusive.

Our Mission

The Network seeks to raise awareness of and improve response to domestic violence impacting LGBTQ communities throughout the state. The Network supports service providers, advocates, policy makers and others by providing education and advocacy, fostering collaboration, and identifying and working towards needed change. These efforts will enhance the availability and delivery of services while promoting advocacy on behalf of those affected by domestic violence in LGBTQ communities.

Join the Network to work collectively towards LGBTQ inclusivity within intimate partner violence agencies statewide and push for policy changes that support LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence!

Ensure your organizations is LGBTQ inclusive and request a training or technical assistance.