We welcome you to share your experiences with anti-LGBTQ+ violence to help with our campaign. Please know that your confidentiality is primary for us, and you have control of your information. We may ask you for permission to use your stories to share with the media and our communities, but we will not do so without your permission. Whether you would like your story to remain private or be shared, we invite you to share your story with us below, and please clearly indicate whether you would like us to use your story as part of the public campaign. Otherwise, your information will remain confidential and will only be used to inform our work without any identifying material. Should you grant consent to use your materials, AVP will identify you only using your first name or a name of your choosing, and you may choose to remain anonymous. Please note if you are seeking services or support from AVP, or if you have experienced violence and would like to connect with a staff member for assistance, reach out to our hotline at 212-714-1141 for support.