(New York) The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, issues the following statement in response to the anti-LGBTQ hate violence in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Our community is mourning twice over as we process the tragic news of a shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., on this sacred day in our community, Trans Day of Remembrance and Resilience. We are saddened and angered that five people lost their lives in such a senseless act of hate in one of our beloved spaces. The New York City Anti-Violence Project and National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs stand in solidarity with those affected and hold them close to us as they recover and heal.
Though this tragic shooting is shocking, it is a sad but foreseeable escalation of a growing threat of hate and violence toward LGBTQ people and spaces. We have been tracking increasing threats against drag performers, LGBTQ-themed events, and LGBTQ venues nationwide, and many more threats of violence and harm go unreported. The reality is that the more our lives become political fodder, the more violence we experience.
We deserve to live free from harm and have the right to come together in our safe spaces without worrying about hate attacks. Though we continue to live with a threat of violence because of who we are or choose to love, we will not be silenced or erased by those who try to harm us.
We know this news can affect each of us differently, and we are here to support those who need help during this difficult time. If you are directly affected by this tragedy or need help processing this news, or are an LGBTQ organization on the ground in Colorado Springs that may need assistance, please reach out to AVP’s 24-hour hotline at 212-714-1141 by phone or text.
About NCAVP:
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP), coordinated by the New York City Anti-Violence Project, works to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities. We’re a national coalition of local member programs, affiliate organizations and individual affiliates who create systemic and social change. We strive to increase power, safety and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.