More than 7 million LGBTQ million people have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime. That violence manifests in various forms, with survivors frequently enduring multiple abuse tactics.

Shay H. is one of those survivors. She connected with AVP when she needed help the most, and because of the help and support she received, she thrived. For LGBTQ+ survivors, AVP provides a safe, affirming space for healing without fear of discrimination or mistreatment because of who they are.

You can be a part of helping survivors like Shay heal after harm.


How AVP Supports Survivors Like Shay

AVP provides affirming, lifesaving wraparound services for LGBTQ+ survivors of all violence, connecting folks to vital internal and community resources.

AVP operates a 24/7 bilingual hotline in Spanish and English to provide crisis support and safety planning services for survivors.

AVP advocates for policy change at all levels of government by partnering with and uplifting the voices of LGBTQ+ survivors nationwide.

Finding Healing

The road to healing is long for survivors of violence and often filled with shame, fear of retaliation or additional harm, and the possibility of being ignored or dismissed. But when survivors are believed and given opportunities to heal, they can thrive. There’s no better story of that than our Board Member, Shay H.

Shay recently shared her harrowing story of abuse from an intimate partner at our 2023 Courage Awards celebration. Her first interaction with AVP was reaching out as a potential client in need of safety, having experienced severe physical and emotional violence. Shay’s detailed account of the violence she endured took our breath away, but thankfully, her life – and the lives of others – changed course because Shay found AVP.

“I had reached a point where I actually felt my spirit leaving my body. It felt like the process of dying had begun. But thankfully, I found AVP. AVP was my life preserver. A light in the darkness. And thank goodness for the hotline. Because if someone had not been on the other end of the line when I called, I might have lost my nerve, and I might have lost my struggle. “

From Healing to Thriving

Shay started healing through AVP and continued healing through working with others, and gave back to the community a hundredfold. Shay became a social worker, interning with AVP and helping other survivors undo the trauma of violence. Now, Shay works with New York City youth, helping our school-age children heal and thrive.

It’s because of you that AVP can provide the life-saving and life-affirming services that help LGBTQ+ survivors of violence like Shay and countless others each day recover.


“When I reached out to AVP, I wasn’t questioned, challenged, or second-guessed. I felt seen, heard, and validated,” Shay told the crowd at Courage Awards 2023 in October. “Through the services provided by AVP, I became informed, strengthened, and motivated to give back.”


Shay H. School Social Worker, AVP Board Member & Survivor

So many more people need support and healing after experiencing violence, but thriving is possible! You can help AVP take critical action to support these survivors for years to come.


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Donation Total: $10.00 One Time

Thank you for supporting LGBTQ and HIV-affected survivors of violence.

For information on how to donate via Wire transfer, Stock transfer or ACH payment, please contact the Development department at If you prefer to pay by check, please make payment out to AVP and mail to:

116 Nassau Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10038

Thank you for your supporting AVP this Giving Tuesday. Learn more about the programs and initiatives your contribution will be supporting below.