AVP’s training programs provide participants with information on violence impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and HIV-affected communities. Our goal is to educate participants on the dynamics of violence within and against LGBTQ communities and to equip participants with information and tools to provide adequate and comprehensive support to LGBTQ survivors of violence.
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Learn more about AVP training
AVP experts can provide training on one or more of the following topics, and can customize training specific to your organization’s needs.
Hate Violence
Hate violence is a term that describes an act against a person or property that is motivated by hatred for someone’s actual or perceived identity which includes sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and/or HIV status. Hate violence is acted out in many ways such as verbal and physical attacks, bullying, sexual violence, and intimidation. Hate violence sends a message to the larger community that LGBTQ & HIV-affected people are neither welcome nor safe. LGBTQ & HIV-affected people also experience many forms of hate violence when they seek services and support. AVP’s hate violence training and workshops provide participants with information on the impact of hate-motivated violence, safety planning strategies, tips on preventing or reducing the impact of violence, information on how to create LGBTQ & HIV-affected inclusive organizations, and how to support the needs of LGBTQ & HIV-affected survivors of violence.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
AVP works with service providers to address IPV in LGBTQ & HIV-affected communities. Tactics of abuse can include physical violence, threats of physical violence, sexual abuse, bullying, economic abuse, harming children, harming pets, and/or isolating one’s partner from friends and family. AVP’s training and workshops on IPV will provide participants with information on the unique power and control tactics used by abusers. In addition, participants will be provided with knowledge on safety planning for LGBTQ & HIV-affected survivors. Participants will be able to develop best practices when working with LGBTQ & HIV-affected DV/IPV survivors, be able to give appropriate referrals, and will learn strategies to prevent or reduce the impact of DV/IPV.
DV/IPV Screening and Assessments Tools
This training is tailored for service providers. It is approximately four hours and will provide participants with skills-building exercises to identify unique issues for LGBTQ & HIV-affected survivors of DV/IPV, assess abusers from victims, and case conferencing with AVP.
HIV-Related Violence
This training or workshop focuses on how HIV-related violence intersects with other forms of violence such as hate violence, bullying, intimate partner violence and sexual violence. Training/workshop goals include the participant’s ability to identify HIV-related violence, discuss how HIV-related violence is used to further other types of violence, and ways to safety plan.
Violence and Youth
These training workshops are geared towards service providers who work with youth. Participants will identify and discuss how LGBTQ & HIV-affected youth experience violence related to homophobia and transphobia. Participants will receive information on the impact of hate violence, bullying, teen dating violence and sexual violence on LGBTQ & HIV-affected youth. In addition, participants will also learn strategies on how to identify LGBTQ & HIV-affected youth-related violence, appropriate referrals and safety planning.
Violence and Transgender Communities
Transgender and gender non-conforming people experience high rates of violence because of transphobia. This training or workshop will assist participants with identifying the forms of violence transgender and gender non-conforming communities experience, which include but are not limited to hate violence, bullying, sexual violence and intimate partner violence.
Sexual Violence
LGBTQ & HIV-affected people often do not report the sexual violence they experience because of the fear of re-victimization by law enforcement, medical and service providers. AVP’s educational efforts seek to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic biases that LGBTQ & HIV-affected individuals encounter when seeking services. This training allows participants the opportunity to develop an understanding of potential roadblocks to services for LGBTQ & HIV-affected sexual violence survivors and the tools to address such barriers. This training is also available to rape crisis advocates, forensic nurse examiners, and organizations.