We Are AVP
Our Mission:
AVP empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy.
Our Vision:
AVP envisions a world in which all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected people are safe, respected, and live free from violence.

The Beginning
In 1980, the New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) was born in the streets of Chelsea, created by community activists in response to a series of brutal attacks against gay men. From the start, we took to the streets, we pushed back on the police, and we demanded safety and justice for our community at a time when few believed it was our right.
AVP was a free hotline and accompaniment support service that remained an all-volunteer organization until 1984, when the first full-time Executive Director was hired. Over time, AVP ‘s work expanded to provide free, confidential counseling to LGBTQ survivors of all forms of violence including hate violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, police violence and HIV-related violence.
More recently, we took on the role of coordinating the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, a national coalition of local member programs and affiliate organizations that work to create systemic and social change through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.
We launched a community-based direct service and outreach program to provide on-site counseling and advocacy in all five boroughs of New York City so that we can better reach survivors where they live and work.
We began offering free legal services in response to the number of community members for whom surviving violence also carried unresolved legal issues, and started an Economic Empowerment Program for survivors of violence to begin to rebuild resources in the wake of violence.
Today, AVP is the largest anti-LGBTQ violence organization in the country. We are deeply trusted within the LGBTQ communities and by survivors of violence, and we have earned that trust by showing up for our community day in and day out for over almost 40 years.
We are here for you wherever, whenever you need us.