Dear Supporter,
I’m proud to announce that the New York City Anti-Violence Project has received its largest-ever gift — $1.75 million from the #StartSmall initiative. This fund was created by Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Square, in response to the global pandemic and economic downturn.
This gift comes at a time when funding was uncertain for AVP. I’m humbled that we will not only be able to continue our 40-year legacy making a profound difference in the lives of our community members – but that we will further build safety for LGBTQ and HIV-affected survivors of violence.
The convergence of the pandemic and the uprisings to end police violence and anti-Black racism in this country has exposed how LGBTQ people, particularly Black trans and queer people, and undocumented immigrants, are disproportionately subjected to violence and discrimination. It is more urgent than ever that our life-saving services and activism are accessible to everyone in our community.
AVP will expand our 24/7 Spanish/English crisis intervention hotline with text, chat, and increased call capacity.
This is both a time of great challenges and an opportunity for real change. I am asking you to join us on this journey to end violence. I am calling on you, as part of our community, to come together and collectively match $250,000 of this incredible gift. Our goal is to reach $2 million to support LGBTQ survivors of violence. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation today and invest in community-led solutions to violence.