The AVP Action Brief tracks actions of the Trump administration that impact our communities’ safety and rights and offers concrete steps that we can take to stand up for safety and justice.
We are here for you and we are in this together.
The federal government is taking actions this week to make the country less safe and more hostile for LGBTQ people with two serious threats: to bar transgender people from military service, and to exclude LGBTQ people from civil rights protections in the workplace. Find out more and take action below.
Transgender people are not a “burden” or a “distraction”
This morning, President Trump announced on Twitter that he intends to ban transgender people from serving in the military. The president cited “tremendous medical costs” and “disruption” of having transgender people serve in the military to justify this action. Transgender people are not a “burden” or a “disruption,” and this kind of language coming from the president puts the safety of our communities at risk. Further, transgender people deserve access to health care and employment, both of which are being undermined by this new Trump pronouncement and time and again by the policies of this administration. While we don’t know exactly how Trump’s tweets will play out in terms of policy, we do know that they create a nation that is more hostile and more discriminatory towards transgender and gender non-conforming people, and this is unacceptable. AVP has signed on in support of tonight’s NYC Rally Against Trump Decision to Ban Trans Military Service. Come out – 5pm in Times Square – and let your voice be heard!
Sessions continues to try to roll back LGBTQ protections in the workplace
This week, it appears Attorney General Jeff Sessions will try to limit the protections for LGBTQ people have against discrimination in the workplace. Sources close to Session state that the Justice Department plans to file a brief in an employment discrimination case before the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals claiming that LGBT workers are not protected by Title VII, a civil rights law that bars discrimination in employment. This action would try to reverse recent interpretations of Title VII by former Attorney general Eric Holder, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and numerous courts.
In NCAVP’s most recent report, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and HIV-Affected Hate Violence in 2016, more than 1 in 6 LGBTQ people who reported experiencing violence to NCAVP said that they had experienced violence in the workplace. With such a large percentage of hate violence against LGBTQ people occurring in the workplace, this attempt to roll back protections puts our community at greater risk for bias, harassment, discrimination, and violence.
Here’s what you can do.
- Tweet at Trump and your representatives using the #ProtectTransTroops and let them know that you do not support reinstating the ban on transgender people serving in the military.
- Use #ValueTransLives in your calls to action to honor and uplift the transgender and gender non-conforming people in our communities, workplaces, and families.
- Read our latest report to get the full picture of hate violence and learn more.
- Report violence you experience or witness to AVP and Communities Against Hate.
- If you know someone who is an LGBTQ survivor of violence who is experiencing trauma or fear as a result of these recent actions, encourage them to contact AVP’s confidential 24-hour English/Spanish hotline at (212) 714-1141. They will be connected with a counselor who understands the ways this political climate is affecting our communities.
- Get involved—volunteer with AVP!
- Support AVP: Give now to ensure our voices are heard.
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