Statement from the Board of Directors, Audit Statement



The New York City Anti-Violence Project’s Board of Directors remains committed to the future of both our community and AVP. In recent weeks, the Board has implemented difficult and necessary organizational changes to ensure AVP’s financial viability. Driven by AVP’s current financial situation, these organizational efforts are focused on one goal: to keep AVP and its programs operational and to ensure that AVP’s life-saving resources continue to be available to the LGBTQ+ and HIV-affected communities.  In our commitment to transparency, the Board of Directors has released AVP’s 2022-23 fiscal year audit, which includes review of the first eight months of AVP’s 2023-2024 financials. The audit, conducted by an independent auditor, highlights the fact that AVP’s expenses have significantly outstripped income for two years, with AVP having lost $1M+ in 2022-23, with further losses of $1.1M+ in the first eight months of this fiscal year, ending February 29, 2024 (see Note 12). These losses are primarily the result of shortfalls in contribution revenue (without a corresponding cut in expenses), and the drop in cash flow has been exacerbated by delayed payments on government contracts.

AVP must course correct for the past two years of outspending revenue to reverse the trajectory reflected in the audit report. AVP is vigorously pursuing a plan over the next 12 months intended to improve liquidity and eliminate operating losses by reducing expenses, working with NYC officials and agencies to secure contracted funds, seeking additional funding from private foundations and individual donors in order to create a more secure path forward for AVP, and preparing program specific plans to ensure the delivery of needed services to the LGBTQ+ and HIV-affected communities. We share a common goal: to ensure that AVP’s programs endure to serve LGBTQ+ survivors of violence, transphobia, and homophobia.

To access AVP’s 2022-23 fiscal year audit, visit:  AVP Annual Report Financials