The New York City Anti-Violence Project Board of Directors values the input, support, and concern shared by everyone in the community. Contrary to inaccurate information that has been shared, the Board remains committed to keeping AVP alive and its programs operational. AVP was born of fierce advocates fighting for survival. We have seen a rise in unthinkable violence perpetrated against our community, and the Trans community has specifically been targeted by hate and physical attacks. It is vital we do everything in our power to keep our programs solvent and keep our doors open for our clients who depend on AVP for life saving services.
In recent weeks, it had become apparent that the Board needed to implement measures to ensure AVP’s financial viability. Over the past two years, AVP’s expenses have significantly outstripped income, having lost $1M in fiscal year 2022-23, and another $1.1M this fiscal year (through the eight month period ending February 29, 2024). The reserve funds of the organization have been largely drained, and soon, AVP will no longer have the money in the bank to make payroll. We understand that nonprofit operations can be tenuous, however, this is
not an example of normal variations in cash-flow – AVP is facing an existential crisis.
Looking to the future, the budget proposed by management for 2024 is not realistic: even if all funds committed by government grants were received immediately, at current expense levels AVP is still operating at a loss. This proposed plan is not sustainable. To continue ‘business as
usual’ would result in bankruptcy. This would abandon people in need, and after a 40-year legacy in NYC, this would be an unthinkable outcome for our community. To keep the hotline responding, legal services supporting victims, and client services assisting survivors, AVP must operate with sound business practices so that its expenses fall in line with actual income and cash flow.
In an attempt to ensure the long-term viability of AVP, we have engaged a consultant who will act as interim executive director for AVP with the explicit goal of saving the organization. This will require a restructure of operations in a way that not only allows the organization to survive, but to eventually thrive once again.
We, the volunteer Board, did not reach these decisions easily or quickly, but rather after exhaustive efforts to remedy these issues for many months. We hope and ask for your support as we navigate this difficult process, alongside our community partners, with the goal of creating a stronger AVP that can continue to serve the LGBTQ+ community of New York City for generations to come.
Moving forward, the Board will be sharing regular updates through AVP’s blog on its progress.