Eliel Cruz, Director of Communications
ecruz@avp.org, 212-714-1184
The New York City Anti-Violence Project unequivocally condemns The United States Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the unjust, overtly racist travel ban from Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela and North Korea. This policy, enacted by Trump’s Administration through presidential proclamation, is rooted in islamophobia and white supremacy, architected to harm those who are, and perceived to be, Muslim.
Earlier this year, New York City Anti-Violence Project proudly joined an Amicus Brief with Immigration Equality, The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, The LGBT Bar Association of Los Angeles, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, The Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, Bar Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom.
As noted in the Amicus Brief, this policy will inflict unique harm on LGBTQ communities by removing potential forms of escape from often life or death situations:
“For LGBTQ individuals, this shutdown is not simply a bureaucratic inconvenience, but potentially a matter of life and death. A family-based visa delayed by the Proclamation is, in effect, a visa denied. Visa approvals thwarted by the Proclamation mean LGBTQ individuals must remain in hostile and unsafe conditions indefinitely, delaying reunification with family members in safe communities. The danger is heightened because merely seeking visas from local consular officials, while citing a same-sex relationship as the basis for a waiver, reveals applicants’ sexual orientations or gender identities to local communities and government officials. Moreover, because the Government will only provide waivers to applicants with ’formal’ and ‘documented’ close familial relationships, LGBTQ individuals — whose relationships are neither sanctioned nor documented by their countries of origin — stand to be disproportionately excluded from these waivers.”
AVP is acutely aware that policies like this one further enables hate violence and puts vulnerable communities at risk. The hateful rhetoric pushed by both the current administration as well as by a growing number of Americans fuels hate violence against those who are, and are perceived to be, Muslim. As an anti-violence organization, as Americans, and as queer people we refuse to stand by while the normalization of this hate based rhetoric grows.
AVP will continue to stand in solidarity with and support our Muslim community members. Join AVP today in New York City in Foley Square at 6pm to #StandWithMuslims.
As always, AVP is here for you. If you experience or witness violence you can always reach out to our 24/7 billingual (English/Spanish) hotline at 212-714-1141. If you need legal services, reach out through the hotline to set up an intake with our Legal Department.
About New York City Anti-Violence Project: AVP empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all forms of violence through organizing and education, and supports survivors through counseling and advocacy. We envision a world in which all LGBTQ and HIV-affected people are safe, respected, and live free from violence.