The AVP Action Brief tracks actions of the Trump administration that impact our communities’ safety and rights and offers concrete steps that we can take to stand up for safety and justice.
We are here for you and we are in this together.
Today, U.S. Representative David N. Cicilline and U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley jointly introduced the Equality Act of 2017 into both chambers of Congress. The Equality Act is a bipartisan proposal that seeks to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other key federal nondiscrimination laws to provide LGBT people with comprehensive federal protections against discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and more. The Equality Act would also expand the definition of public accommodations to include transportation services, retail establishments, and health care services – places where we frequently see LGBTQ discrimination.
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs’ most recent report on Hate Violence underscores the need for the federal protections provided by the Equality Act. In 2015, 61% of survivors knew the person who committed the hate violence against them, such as landlords, coworkers, and acquaintances. Nearly half of survivors reported experiencing violence in either a private residence or a workplace. The Equality Act would be the first piece of federal legislation passed by Congress to remedy the everyday forms of bias, discrimination, and intimidation that our communities face as we navigate our lives.
Here’s what you can do.
- Put pressure on your representatives and tell them that you support the Equality Act.
- Join the conversation online using the hashtag #EqualityForward
- Read the Center for American Progress survey on LGBTQ discrimination.
- Report violence you experience or witness to AVP and Communities Against Hate.
- If you know someone who is an LGBTQ survivor of violence who is experiencing trauma or fear as a result of these recent government actions, encourage them to contact AVP’s confidential 24-hour English/Spanish hotline at (212) 714-1141. They will be connected with a counselor who understands the ways this political climate is affecting our communities
- Support AVP: Give now to ensure our voices are heard.
- Forward this email to a friend. Ask them to sign up for the AVP Action Brief to stay informed and activated, too.
Further reading:
The Advocate: Dems Re-Introducing LGBT Rights Bill
Vox: “Discrimination is doing its dirty work”: a new survey looks at the effects of anti-LGBTQ hate