We’re launching a community-driven effort to measure the threat of harm toward our safe spaces.

Our safe spaces are facing an unprecedented, and ever-growing risk of violence and harm. It’s time to demand resources to protect our sacred safe spaces within the communities where we live, work learn and play. The safety of every LGBTQ+ person nationwide is at stake, and you have an important role in our progress forward. If you are an organization that brings LGBTQ+ people together, or a business where LGBTQ+ gather, we want to hear from you. Take our LGBTQ Safe Space Protection Survey and be counted to drive change!

Action Plan

Collect data

We are continuing data collection through the end of February, connecting with LGBTQ spaces, organizations and businesses about the hate they face.

Report findings

In late February we will release preliminary findings from the report at Creating Change 2023 in San Francisco, California. The final report will come in late Spring 2023.

Demand action

We’ll devise a series of policy recommendations to promote nationally, as well as recommendations at state or local levels to create and promote safer LGBTQ spaces.

Who should take the survey?

LGBTQ non-profit and community spaces

Organizations led by or serving LGBTQ people, in a non-profit capacity with or without physical spaces. These types of formally-established organizations can be LGBTQ community centers, outreach centers, youth organizations, or other physical or virtual spaces where LGBTQ people gather.

LGBTQ-owned or LGBTQ-serving businesses

Locations that are owned and operated by someone in the LGBTQ community, or primarily target and conduct business LGBTQ community with products and services. These spaces can include bars, restaurants, event venues, coffee shops, bookstores, and other establishments wither business is conducted.

LGBTQ-affirming places/spaces of worship

Religious and faith-based groups led by or targeted toward LGBTQ people, and inclusive and affirming of LGBTQ community. Can be virtual or physical, and can be official houses of worship or religiously or spiritually-themed meeting groups for LGBTQ worshippers.

College/University LGBTQ/Diversity centers

Physical or virtual spaces on campus designated for LGBTQ community to gather, including spaces designated for all diversity-focused groups. Can include LGBTQ centers and LGBTQ campus groups.

Community ally venues

Spaces and places that don’t fit into the categories above, but have held virtual or physical space for LGBTQ community in the last 12 months including libraries, historical societies, cultural centers, schools, governmental groups or other non LGBTQ-specific locations.


AVP has supported LGBTQ and HIV-affected survivors of violence for more than 40 years through its counseling, legal services and advocacy work. Your support can help our survivors thrive.

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