Our communities faced more obstacles than ever before, yet we are more resilient, powerful and united! Join AVP as we celebrate Pride 2023 with a series of events, training opportunities and other ways to support LGBTQ survivors of violence, HIV+ survivors of violence and our greater community as we work to be safer this Pride and beyond.
This year, our Pride campaign is “All Places, Safe Spaces,” and we invite  you to help us make this rally cry a reality. Wherever we are, LGBTQ+ people have a right to safety, livelihood, joy, and freedom to be. We are continuing our work to make all places safe spaces for our communities to live and thrive. You can join us by participating with AVP as we help our communities learn about safety, volunteer at Pride events citywide to raise awareness and build our movement, march with us at NYC Pride or give a gift to support AVP’s landmark efforts to end all violence against LGBTQ+ people.

Join our Movement to Make All Places Safe Spaces

Our communities nationwide are under attack, showing resilience and solidarity in the face of hate we haven’t seen in generations. 

LGBTQ+  people and folks living with HIV still face continued threats of violence from all sides. Our safe spaces and the people who keep them going face increased threats, including protests, harassment and vandalism. Legislatures nationwide are causing direct harm with hateful legislation aimed to silence and erase us, targeting our transgender, gender nonconforming and nonbinary communities with dehumanizing legislation. 
We still face harm daily, just living our lives and being who we are.
Despite all we face,  we are strong. We are powerful. We are joyful and creative. We are innovative and entrepreneurial. We are loving, and we are vibrant. But most of all, we are human. And we are here. 
Join our movement to make All Places Safe Spaces and rally together to ensure a safer world. The time is now. The only things that should be erased – are bigotry and hate. 
Click the sections below to learn more about our events and how to support our campaign.